Monday, October 17, 2011

What Is That Thing?

I realized the other day that I couldn't button up one of my pairs of pants. I looked down and poked my tummy. Blubber. The whole thing. Just kidding. Apparently the fetus is growing! Right now it is just pushing my insides all around so that is what is poking out, not baby yet, but a lot of innards. And it is quite the belly indeed. Woot. It is nice to see the effects of pregnancy, such as my freaking huge boobs. Just saying. It is nice because it helps me know that this morning sickness and exhaustion is really for a purpose. I'M HAVING A BABY! I tend to say that a lot. It surprises me every time. Holy crap, I'm gonna be a mom. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! That is super exciting and you will be a fantastic mom!!
