So then I was reading my awesome sister-in-law's blog. That would be Candi. And she was talking about a party plan that was in the back of some book her daughter was reading. (sorry Candi, I didn't get through the whole post yet, and you will see why shortly) This book is about a mouse by the name of Geronimo. Ross asked me to read the post out loud so he could hear. I pronounced the mouse's name Gair-(rhymes with chair)-oh-nemo(like the fish). Ross busted out laughing again. "Um," he said, "That Geronimo." Which he pronounced Ger-(like the beginning of German)-on-im-oh. Well don't I look like a dunce. Thanks again husband for making me feel stupid. I still love the guy though. And then I was too upset to finish reading so I just closed out of it. Oh, and there's a picture of the mouse Geronimo
This reminded me of a time when I was on a first date with my ex, Tanner. (Who, as my father-in-law would be happy to know, is the son of Ross's second cousin.) We were going to see a movie. Woot. There was a poster for the movie Penelope. I said, "Hey look, Penelope!" Which I pronounced Penn-elle-ope(rhyming with nope). My kind date said, "Um, that's Penelope." Which he pronounced Penn-elle-oh-pee. My bad. That's actually a really great movie, by the way. Just saying. And there's a picture of the movie poster, too. .
So apparently I can't read and I'm kind of stupid. But don't worry, I got the last laugh. Ross couldn't open the door this afternoon on his way to work. "Who's stupid now?!" I shouted and laughed. It's sure a good thing we love each other, me and that Ross.