Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have now completed my program at the BATC!! I should be getting my certificate of completion in 2-3 weeks. As a memoir for my program, here are some of the wonderful quotes I've heard from my hear in the Veterinary Assisting/Pre Vet Tech program. Note that some of these are inside jokes. So there. :)

Me: "Oh, Hello, Vulva!"

Me: "I'm gonna earth bend you!"
Ashlyn: "Not if I fire bend you first!"

Erin: "Is there like, some sort of secret to growing a 5:00 shadow?"
Susan: "Come back in 5 years and ask me that again."
Erin: "That won't help, there has to be a secret to it."

Kendall: "Yes, my dog is a butt-licker."

Katelyn: "When we pass by this car, I'm gonna pretend to have a seizure, just to see what they do!"

Me: "And now I will cut it open to see its insides..." The new students all gasp and some start to cry.

Tamera: "Oh, my gosh. It's all because of my stupid boyfriend!"

Danelle: "Really, can you blame me?"

Ashlyn: "Oh, the key was in my pocket the entire time."

Susan: "Who wants to be the student of the month?"
Danelle: "ME!!"
Me: "Darn, I was not fast enough!"

Julie: "Its a ball of fascia!"

Me: "Holy crap!!! That emu is psychotic!!"
Susan: "Yes it is, but don't be afraid of it."

Erin: "Hey, Lee, would you be prepared for a zombie apocalypse?"
Lee: "I don't expect that to happen, but if it did, I have seven hidden weapons ready."

That's all I could think of. Good times. :)

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