Ross and I had our own gift exchange prior to Christmas because we had to do it before we left to our own families. I had a ton of fun shopping for Ross! I've never had anyone to spoil before, so I went a little nuts. But only a little. And I think Ross went a little nuts, too. Well, not as much as me. But still. Here is a picture of the pile of presents that I got Ross. Hooray! I made him a blanket and got him two shirts, a sweater, and five movies: Iron Man, Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Mystery Men, and Kung Fu Panda. :) All great movies!

Ross got me the Leven Thumps book series, which I have never read but have wanted to, tennis balls so I can learn to juggle, the X-men trilogy, the Star Wars Prequel trilogy, Iron Man, Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, the board game Sorry, and some Milky Way candy bars. :) Ya, we must both have great taste in movies since we both got each other three of the same movies! Bwahahaha! We sure had a good laugh about that. But it's all good. Woot. Oh, so also here is a picture of my handsome true love Ross wearing one of the shirts and the sweater that I got him! He is such a freaking stud muffin! :) And I had so much fun buying Ross the clothes I got him! I spent a good penny at Khol's, but I think overall we spent about the same amount of money on each other. It was really fun! I sure did enjoy that.

So on Christmas Eve the Bredthauer family had our annual dinner and talent show. It was pretty great this year. My cousin Scott, who's wife, Lariann, died in May, is now dating this really great woman name Ariane, who came to the family talent show. She is so freaking cool! I know Ariane from when I was in marching band at Davis High. She was one of the adult leaders. She was in charge of woodwinds, I believe. She's a freaking awesome person. And now she's dating my cousin! Wowie. I have to say that every since Lariann was diagnosed with cancer, Scott could be happy, but you could always tell there was something there stressing him out. And now, I have to say that I don't remember a time that I have seen Scott this happy. It's been about three years since Lariann was diagnosed and it is so amazing to me how happy Scott is now.

Seeing him and Ariane together is so amazing. They are such a happy little couple! I'm really happy that they have each other. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see Scott so happy, as well as Ariane. They deserve it. So with the great variety of talents that my extended family has, it's always quite a fun experience to see what each family comes up with. My family usually does something silly, but still talented. We are pretty talented folk. This year, because Sarah and Andrew were in Hawaii, we all dressed in Hawaii outfits and sang Mele kaliki maka. I probably totally slaughtered the spelling, but we were pretty awesome. :)

So Christmas was pretty good this year. Santa was a little lacking in money this year so the presents weren't as spectacular or plentiful as they usually are. But it was still a good day. The picture is of all of the gifts I got from Santa. Woot! It was nice to just be with my siblings and to play games and all that. My dear dog Sparky got a snake toy that has a squeaker in each segment. He really likes it. It is a good tug-of-war toy for him.